

Creative Ways to Hide a Thermostat

After taking photos of my awesome HomeGoods find, I realized how unattractive the thermostat is in our family room. So I started searching for a creative way to disguise it. Here's what I found...

Option #1: Install shelves & lean large framed photos in front of the thermostat

Option #2: Create a photo gallery to hide the thermostat in plain site

Option #3: Another gallery wall, this time with thermostat in it's own frame as well

I'm leaning toward Option #2, but still going to think on it and see if I can come up with any other ideas. The wall is not very wide, so I don't it to be too overwhelming with tons of photos, however most of the wall space is take up with windows, so that would be a perfect place to display photos and art.

What do you think?

In other news, I'm super psyched that my 'rents are coming to town this weekend to finally see the house for the first time! I'm so excited for them to come hang out with us in our new place and to have my handyman father do a ton of work lend a hand with some home improvement projects that I've been too scared to do ourselves, including installing drawer pulls and knobs in the kitchen. We haven't actually picked anything out yet, so i don't know if that'll be doable in time. If not, I'm sure we can put him to work on some other things!


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